Las traducciones al catalán de la poesía de Wordsworth y Coleridge

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This article aims to provide an account of the Catalan translations of poetry written by Wordsworth and Coleridge, the two main Lakist poets. Insofar as they inspired a new poetic sensibility, their work has steadily aroused interest in the Catalan-speaking area since the earliest decades of the twentieth century. Their earliest translators were Joaquim Folguera and Josep Maria López-Picó, within the noucentista movement. But it was Marià Manent that invested most effort to translate the poetic work of both English Romantics, and holds, as a result, a central position in the present article. After Manent, Wordsworth and Coleridge were translated by the Ibizan poet Marià Villangómez and, more recently, by Francesc Parcerisas and Miquel Desclot. An attempt has been made to identify the translators' affinities with the poets they were translating and to broadly describe the criteria underlying their translations – Manent receiving more attention than the rest.


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How to Cite
MARCO, J. (2009). Las traducciones al catalán de la poesía de Wordsworth y Coleridge. Hikma, 8, 63–88.