La variación lingüídtica en italiano: acercamiento a la obra de Camillen desde una perspectiva sociolingüística

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Giovanni CAPRARA


Research on the translation of local dialects is mainly aimed at preserving the linguistic and cultural richness inherently essential to the cultural milieu of the source text in which they appear. Thus, in the context of European literature, the use of dialects was and continúes to be nowadays a fundamental tool to reflect and convey both the cultural and social stratification of a particular geographical area. As it happens in Giovanni Verga’s / Malavoglia, the use of a local dialect mirrors not only the moral integrity of its characters but also their feeling and their intrinsically human sense of humour. Consequently, the role played by all these factors is so important that no translator can ignore them in the linguistic process of rendering a literary work into the target culture they are to be inserted in.


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How to Cite
CAPRARA, G. (2006). La variación lingüídtica en italiano: acercamiento a la obra de Camillen desde una perspectiva sociolingüística. Hikma, 5(5), 49–76.