Impact of Dubbing on Character Perception in Reality Shows: Analysis of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" and "The Kardashians"
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This research studies the degree of influence of dubbing voices on the perception of the characters they interpret. It aims to demonstrate how the public's perception of a character varies according to the prosody of the voice dubbing it. Based on the factuals Keeping Up With The Kardashians and The Kardashians, the dubbing voices of the six main characters are compared, studying whether the change of dubbing actress varies the audience's perception of these celebrities. Analysis of the fundamental frequencies of the dubbing voices and the results of Tukey's post hoc analysis reveal a remarkable sensitivity of viewers to changes in the dubbing. Lower voices tend to be perceived as more pleasant, believable, intelligent and confident. The findings underscore the importance of dubbing in the perception of the personality of characters in reality shows, highlighting that variations in prosodic characteristics influence the audience's interpretation of the characters. A careful and strategic choice of dubbing voices enhances the emotional connection and enriches the audiovisual consumption experience.
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