Can Administrative Law be taught in English? A proposal for the environmental law course



Palabras clave:

Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, competencia lingüística, Derecho de la Unión Europea, Legislación Ambiental


Given the relevance of linguistic skills in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), this work proposes a teaching method that allows addressing some of the challenges posed by teaching Administrative Law in English. Specifically, we are referring to the lack of materials or to the anisomorphism. This method reaches its full potential in areas of Administrative Law that are strongly communitarized, as it uses European Union Law as a source of content and as a methodological tool. As we will see with Environmental Law course, the utility of the normative and jurisprudential resources that European Union Law offers in English is twofold: they enrich the theoretical-practical content of the course and facilitate the assimilation of the legal terminology necessary to understand the peculiarities of the Spanish legal system


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Cómo citar

Acosta Penco, T. (2023). Can Administrative Law be taught in English? A proposal for the environmental law course. REVISTA DOCENCIA Y DERECHO, (21), 2–13.




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