OAKNÍN, Mazal & BOLAÑOS GARCÍA-ESCRIBANO, Alejandro (Eds.). Feminism and gender awareness in modern foreign languages and translation. E-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and language teaching, Vol. VI. Córdoba, UCOPress, 2022, 26 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9927-7

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María López-Medel


Reseña de la obra: OAKNÍN, Mazal & BOLAÑOS GARCÍA-ESCRIBANO, Alejandro (Eds). Feminism and Gender Awareness in Modern Foreign Languages and Translation. E-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching, vol. VI. Córdoba, UCOPress, 2022, 26 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9927-722-6


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Cómo citar
López-Medel, M. (2023). OAKNÍN, Mazal & BOLAÑOS GARCÍA-ESCRIBANO, Alejandro (Eds.). Feminism and gender awareness in modern foreign languages and translation. E-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and language teaching, Vol. VI. Córdoba, UCOPress, 2022, 26 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9927-7. Hikma, 22(2), 337–341. https://doi.org/10.21071/hikma.v22i2.15612


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