Hikma: Translation Journal references the code of conduct and good practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for editors of scientific journals.

1. Author Responsibilities

The authors are required to participate in the peer review process. The journal expects all authors to have made significant contributions to the submitted research for evaluation, ensuring that all the data presented in their articles are genuine and authentic. If referees request corrections or changes to the evaluated work, the authors are obligated to make them.

2. Misconduct Statements

- Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure the originality of all content in their manuscripts and appropriately cite any content obtained from other sources. The use of AI tools in writing is not allowed unless it is a part of the study, in which case the author must include the following statement:

During the preparation of this research, the author used [NAME OF TOOL/SERVICE] for [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author thoroughly reviewed and edited the content and assumes full responsibility for the published content.”

Hikma utilised the Turnitin plagiarism detection system to prevent this practice.

- Data Access and Transparency: Authors must provide the research data (including raw data for review) supporting their study to comply with the Journal's open-access policy. Additionally, they must ensure public access to such data and maintain it for a minimum of five years after publication.

- Source Recognition: Proper acknowledgement of all sources contributing to the research is mandatory in this manuscript.

- Conflicts of Interest: All manuscripts submitted to the journal must explicitly disclose any relationships that may be considered potential conflicts of interest.

- Critical Errors in Published Works: If the author/co-author identifies a significant error in their published manuscript, they must immediately notify the Chief Editor and provide all necessary information to retract or correct the article.

- Measures in Case of Misconduct: The journal will withdraw an article if misconduct is detected, and the authors do not offer a satisfactory solution. An explanation of the decision is included on the article's first page. Allegations of unethical conduct will be initially discussed with the corresponding authors. If the discussion persists, the matter will be referred to the author's institution and funding bodies for investigation and judgment.

3. Double-Blind Peer Review and Referee Responsibilities

Blind peer reviews for Hikma: Translation Journal will be objective, and referees must have no conflicts of interest with the research, authors, and/or research funders. Referees should indicate the relevant published works that are not cited and treat the reviewed articles confidentially.

4. Editorial Responsibilities

Journal editors assume the full responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article. Editors confirm that they have no conflicts of interest with the articles they reject or accept and will only accept an article when certain of its authenticity. In the presence of errors, editors will encourage the publication of corrections or retractions while preserving the anonymity of the contributors.

5. Editorial Ethics Issues

Editorial ethics will be monitored and protected by the journal’s Editorial Board through observation of guidelines for non-accepted articles and maintaining the integrity of the academic record. The journal is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary, and never publish plagiarised or fraudulent data.

6. Gender Equality Best Practices

The journal strives to promote gender equality, aiming for balanced percentages of men and women involved in its various bodies or committees (management, editorial, scientific committees, etc.). It also seeks gender-balanced percentages of evaluators for the submitted work. The journal includes the full names of both male and female authors of the published works.

Hikma: Translation Journal promotes the use of inclusive and non-sexist language in its publications, recommending terms that are not discriminatory, avoiding expressions that perpetuate gender stereotypes, and employing strategies to achieve as inclusive a language as possible, following the guidelines for the use of gender-inclusive language established by the United Nations.