Assessing the quality of court interpreting between Chinese and Spanish in court proceedings in Spain A proposal of specific categories for this language combination

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Huidong Chi
Mireia Vargas-Urpí
Carmen Bestué Salinas


This paper outlines a systematic approach to assess the accuracy of interpretation and presents its application to a corpus of video recordings of actual criminal hearings held in the Criminal Courts of Barcelona, in which was provided interpretation between Chinese and Spanish. The paper aims to describe in detail the methodology we have used to identify, categorise, and analyse the translation solutions proposed by the interpreters in criminal proceedings. The video recordings have been transcribed, annotated and analysed considering the two dependent variables established in the TIPp project for English-Spanish, French-Spanish and Romanian-Spanish language combinations (see Arumí et al., 2017): textual problems and interactional problems. However, given the relevance of certain phenomena detected in Spanish-Chinese interpretation, it has been necessary to create eight new specific categories of analysis as a methodological response. This paper details the definitions of textual problems for all categories (both those formulated in the TIPp project proposal and the newly created ones), the quantifiable indicators developed, the specific examples extracted from the corpus and some results obtained on the practice of Spanish-Chinese court interpreting that question the quality of the service provided by these professionals.


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How to Cite
Chi, H., Vargas-Urpí, M., & Bestué Salinas, C. (2023). Assessing the quality of court interpreting between Chinese and Spanish in court proceedings in Spain: A proposal of specific categories for this language combination. Hikma, 22(2), 181–205.


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