Around the World in A Click A Reflection on Translation Quality in Tourism Promotion

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Adrián Fuentes Luque
María Cristina Valdés Rodríguez


Quality tourism means quality products. Much of the tourist content is translated. Therefore, quality translations are necessary to ensure positive levels of tourist satisfaction. The differentiation of a brand is achieved through the perceived image (Andreu et al., 2000, p. 49). There are three components in the formation of the image: beliefs and attitudes associated with the product, level of knowledge about the destination, and expectations about the product (Nobs, 2003). Precisely, translation plays a crucial role on the last two elements. Often, users' expectations are not considered when designing, creating and translating tourism promotional material, which results in unsuccessful and even failed promotional campaigns that can damage the image of the destination and the products it offers. Since perceived image is not a static parameter, all participants in the promotional development of the tourist destination should review the tourist products and services on offer and their projected image, trying to adjust market niches, products, and destinations to existing or potential tourists, a process in which the translation of tourism promotional texts plays a decisive role. In this paper, we delve into the issue of quality in the translation of tourism promotional material (whether printed, on websites, apps, and social media), through the analysis of several international tourist promotion campaigns.


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Fuentes Luque, A., & Valdés Rodríguez, M. C. (2024). Around the World in A Click: A Reflection on Translation Quality in Tourism Promotion. Hikma, 23(1), 231–251.


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