Public Service Interpreting and Translation and Employment in Spain Overcoming Professionalisation Challenges through Training

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Bianca Vitalaru


Despite its under-professionalisation in Spain, Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT) services are necessary. They are intensively used in healthcare settings, social welfare services, and police and court settings, especially during crises. On the other hand, given the significant role PSIT plays in multilingual societies, training translators and interpreters in this field is paramount. However, training in PSIT in Spain and research on the employment and employability of PSIT Spanish postgraduates are scarce. This article fills this need by focusing on the employment situation of the graduates of a PSIT postgraduate programme that trains in different language pairs. It has three objectives: identify the graduates’ employment situation, determine the relationship between the programme and its labour market, and fill the gap regarding the literature on the labour market and employability in PSIT in Spain. Based on an analysis of employment reports, it follows a descriptive approach, using data obtained from the 2009/2010 to 2018/2019 cohorts. Results show that the programme has high employment rates, and a clear and solid relationship exists between the labour market and the programme. The short period between graduation and finding a job is a strength of the programme. Respondents tend to be generally satisfied with their jobs and the professional category is related to their training.


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Vitalaru, B. (2024). Public Service Interpreting and Translation and Employment in Spain: Overcoming Professionalisation Challenges through Training. Hikma, 23(1), 253–288.


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