Research on Translation Style of the Four Daode Jing Translators

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Yuan-Yuan Zhao
Di Li


Daode Jing, one of the most famous and significant works in Chinese history. In the present work, carried out from the corpus of the translation of Daode Jing, composed by the text of the four different versions of translation in Spanish based on Stylometry and Corpus Linguistics. The linguistic aspects of the four translations are shown and analyzed. In addition, the focus is on the explanations taking into account cultural, social differences and personal experiences. The results of the study have revealed: (a) among the four translations, that of Iñaki Preciado Idoeta and Onorio Ferrero have many similarities; the lexical richness and variation, the thematic concentration are very high. The average sentence length and average paragraph length are at the medium level, presenting the greatest difficulty for the readers; (b) the translation version of Anne Hélène Suárez Girard enjoys the lexical richness and variation, and the thematic concentration which are very low. At the same time, the average sentence length and paragraph length are relatively shorter. It is the easiest for readers; c) as for that of Carmelo Elorduy, almost all the traits are at the intermediate level. As for the causes of the translator's style, we find that they are related to social background, personal experience and translating criteria.


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How to Cite
Zhao, Y.-Y., & Li, D. (2024). Research on Translation Style of the Four Daode Jing Translators. Hikma, 23(2), 1–25.


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