Unamuno and Ortega's Ideas of language and translation

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My purpose in this paper is to discuss some outstanding passages in the writings of two well known Spanish philosophical thinkers whose thought was highly influential on many other writers at least in the flrst half of the 20th century. Their major reflections on language and languages, however, cannot be attributed solely to their personal ideology, but to their feeding from foreign sources, notably from Germán 19th century philologists. However, they represent a fresh renewal of ideas in the bleak panorama of the Spanish cultural environment at the beginning of the last century. A special emphasis is laid to their insights into the role played by translation in Western culture.


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LÓPEZ FOLGADO, V. (2002). Unamuno and Ortega’s Ideas of language and translation. Hikma, 1(1), 43–55. https://doi.org/10.21071/hikma.v1i1.6780