Traducción y estilo narrativo. El caso de Hartmann von Aue y la novela cortesana alemana

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In this paper I approach the problem of originality and translation in the medieval epic novels that were considered to be authentic translations. The courtly poets are real translators, which works in favour of the phenomenon of translation. They are sui generis translators who increased and diminished parts of the original. Hartmann von Aue seldom translates in a strict manner, but he translates the sense, interpreting for the audience. He adds dialogues, descriptions and other rhetoric ornaments. He even modifies the characters. I exemplify this with a study of Eric by Hartmann von Aue and a comparison of this work with its source by Chrétien de Troyes.


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REGALES, A. (2002). Traducción y estilo narrativo. El caso de Hartmann von Aue y la novela cortesana alemana. Hikma, 1(1), 77–97.