Mormonism through the Lens of Translation Studies

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Gabriel González Núñez


Most religious movements often have an invisible relationship to translation. This is the case for major religious traditions, such as Christianity. Among the Christian denominations, Mormonism is perhaps particular due to a quite visible relationship with translation. As a religious tradition that is very much rooted in and experienced through translation, it has caught the eye of translation scholars who have studied it to theorize on the nature of translation. However, much of this scholarship seems somewhat uninformed as to what scholars in the field of Mormon Studies have also been exploring regarding translation. And the opposite seems to also be true. Thus, in what could be an obvious space for interdisciplinary exploration, these two disciplines, for the most part, do not engage each other. This paper will explore that common space, the intersection of translation and Mormonism, in an attempt to highlight possible areas for better collaboration.


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González Núñez, G. (2024). Mormonism through the Lens of Translation Studies. Hikma, 23(2), 1–23.


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