Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
- The transfer of rights file must be signed by all authors.
- The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in "guidelines for authors", in the "submissions" section.
- Authors must be registered in the International Register of Researchers (ORCID) and add it in their personal profile -metadata- in a complete and correct way. (
- With regard to the review process, the author must take responsibility for not leaving a trace of any data that can lead to the identification of the candidate. To do this, two files must be attached: one with the document as it would be published, and in the other, a version with any identifying data removed (blind version). It is this second file that will be sent to the reviewers for the evaluation and acceptance process.
- Graphics, images and figures must be of sufficient quality for digital reproduction. The original graphic files must be attached in a separate file (preferably in JPG or PNG format) named with short, descriptive titles and numbered consecutively.
Author Guidelines
Deadlines for Submission of Papers
The journal will have two deadlines for receiving articles:
- Before March 1 of each yea
- Before September 15 of each year
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of recent submissions. Go to Register to create a new account or Login to an existing account.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines:
- Full text in Word.
- File of transfer of rights signed by all authors.
- Brief curriculum vitae (100 words maximum), with a copy in English.
Author Guidelines
1.The submission of manuscripts will be done through the OJS platform at the address.
2. The author must register in the platform and follow the steps that are indicated in it. It is mandatory to enter the metadata in Spanish and English (title, abstract and keywords), the bibliographic references and the ORCID code.
3.The papers will be sent in Microsoft Word.
4.The works can be written in Spanish, English, French or Italian.
5.The following attachments must be uploaded:
- Full text in Word according to template.
- File of transfer of rights signed by all authors according to model.
- Brief curriculum vitae (100 words maximum), with a copy in English, indicating:
- Full name of each author.
- Academic degree and position (DEA, Doctor, Magister; Type of professor) of each author.
- Department. Faculty. University. Country.
6. SERIARTE does not charge the authors for the costs of processing the articles or for their publication.
Rules for Presentation
1. he works must be original and unpublished and not be in the evaluation phase or approved for publication in another journal.
2. With regard to the review process, the author must take responsibility for not leaving a trace of any data that can lead to the identification of the candidate. To do this, two files must be attached: one with the document as it would be published, and in the other, a version with any identifying data removed (blind version). It is this second file that will be sent to the reviewers for the evaluation and acceptance process.
3. Authors must be registered in the International Registry of Researchers (ORCID) (
4. In texts resulting from funded research projects, the call, the year and the complete reference must be included.
1. Articles must be original and unpublished. On the first page, after the title, an abstract of up to 200 words and a number of keywords between 5 and 7 must be included (separated by a semicolon and the first letter in capital letters), all in the language in which the article is written and in English (if the article is written in this language, the title, abstract and keywords will be provided in Spanish).
2. The length will be 4000 to 8000 words.
3. When downloading the template, the author will verify that it is adjusted to DIN-A4 page size (lateral and upper and lower margins of 3 and 2.5 cm. respectively), fully justified, with 1.5 spacing, in Century Gothic and size 11; the exempted citations size 9 and the final bibliography in size 11; notes will be included at the foot of the page in size 8 (articles with notes at the end of the text will not be accepted). Quotes within the text will be enclosed in square quotation marks and in round type (unless the reproduced text itself requires it). If the appointment exceeds four lines, it will be entered as an exempt appointment without quotation marks and with 1.25 indentation.
4. In case of the inclusion of images in the text, authors must have all permits for their publication, the authors being responsible for requesting them from the pertinent authorities. Otherwise, they must be adapted to article 32 of the TRLPI, which establishes that: "It is lawful to include in one’s own work fragments of others’ work of a written, audio or audiovisual nature, as well as isolated works of a figurative plastic or photographic nature, provided that they are works already disclosed and their inclusion is made by way of quotation or for analysis, commentary or critical judgment. Such use may only be made for teaching or research purposes, to the extent justified by the purpose of such incorporation and indicating the source and the name of the author of the work used”.
The images or graphics will be included in the document as they appear in the template (a maximum of 8), inserted in the corresponding place according to their mention in the text, indicating the reference through (F1), (F2), (F3)… At the bottom of the image, the reference to the corresponding one in Century Gothic font and size 9 will be placed, indicating the title, author and source.
Graphics, images and figures must be of sufficient quality for digital reproduction. If the article is accepted, the original graphic files must be attached in a separate file (preferably in JPG or PNG format) named with short, descriptive titles and numbered consecutively.
Book Reviews
Only reviews of books of scientific interest for the journal published in the last two years, and with a length of between 500 and 2000 words will be accepted. At the beginning of the template, the complete information of the book reviewed will be collected following the style rules. The ISBN will also be indicated. At the end of the review, the full name of the author and his institutional affiliation (University or Center) must be specified. An image of the book cover must be sent in a separate file. Your shipment must be made via email to
The opinion
The opinion will have a maximum of between 500 and 2000 words and 3 images. Your shipment must be made via email to
The author-date: page system must be used. The reference must appear abbreviated in the text itself and in parentheses, stating the author's first surname, the year of publication of the reference work and, if applicable, the page or pages of interest (Author, year: page). If there is more than one bibliographic reference of the same author on the same date, it will be distinguished both in the parenthetical note and in the bibliographic list, using letters in alphabetical order: example 1994a, 1994b, etc.
Bibliografía. It should be limited to the works cited or referred to in the text and will be included at the end of the article as follows:
a) SURNAME, Name (year), Book title, City: Publisher or Institution.
If it is considered relevant, the bibliography will provide the year of the first edition of the book, apart from the year of the edition or translation used. To do this, both dates will be arranged in parentheses, separated by a slash.
b) SURNAME, Name (year), «Article title», Journal name, vol. (if any), No., month of publication (if any), p. or pp.
c) Book chapters or catalogs: SURNAME, Name (year), «Title of the chapter», in SURNAME, Name of the director (address), coordinator (coord.) Or editor (ed.), Book title, City: Publisher or Institution, p. or pp.If the author of the chapter is the same as that of the book, it is not necessary to repeat the name and surname, and the word ‘in' will be deleted.
d) Newspapers: SURNAME, Name (year), «Article title», Newspaper title, day and month, p. or pp.
e) Online resources: SURNAME, Name, «Title». In: <URL address> (query date: day-month-year).
In the event that there is more than one author, they will be separated by commas; the conjunction 'and' will be added before the last author's last name.
If the online resources has a DOI, it should be indicated after the full citation. In this case, it is not necessary to indicate the consultation date.
Archives and libraries will be cited the first time with their full name, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses that will be used in other notes. For example: National Historical Archive, Madrid (AHN Madrid), General Archive of Simancas, Valladolid (AGS, Valladolid).
Manuscripts that do not conform to the above editing standards will be returned to their authors in order to be adapted to them before proceeding to peer review. To do this, they must send the new version within 7 days.
Submissions whose authors have not filled in all the metadata and bibliographic references on the platform will not be accepted. This will be communicated to them, and they must correct it within 7 days.
For any other aspect related to citations or bibliographic references that is not reflected in the previous points, the latest edition of the Harvard system should be used.
Format for citing TV series, movies or other audiovisual products
The first time a series is mentioned, it will be indicated: Titlein Spanish (Original title, producer, year of beginning and screenplay if it has not ended, and if it has concluded the year of beginning and end of the last season). The original title will only be included if it is different from the title under which it premiered in Spain.
The first time a film is cited, it will be indicated: Title in Spanish (Original title, director, year). The original title will be included only if it is different from the title with which it was released in Spain.
When the film is not released in Spain, only the original title will be placed in italics.
For the following quotes from a film already named, it is sufficient to indicate in italics the title with which it was released in Spain.
Quotes from dialogue or voice-over from a movie must be reproduced in quotation marks.
If it is a dialogue between two or more characters, it will be transcribed in a separate paragraph, with indentation (1.25) with respect to the rest of the text, at size 10 and introducing each intervention with a large dash (—).
Ethical Code
As a whole, the author/s declare that (Download model):
1. The contributions made through this text are original and novel. I/we certify that this work has not been published in whole or in part by any other medium, nor is it in the process of being evaluated for publication in another journal.
2.I/we undertake to accept the drafting, publication, review and evaluation standards of SERIARTE. Revista científica de series televisivas y arte audiovisual.
3. I/we take responsibility for the content of the text that I/we send and for being the person responsible for the conception, design and performance of the work, analysis and interpretation of data and for having participated in the writing of the text and its possible revisions, as well as in the approval of the version that I/we finally send.
4. I/we have been informed that style changes may occur in the manuscript, but that, nevertheless, and in any case, the final drafts will be sent to me/us before the text, in case of favorable evaluation, it is definitively published as an article. I/we undertake to acknowledge receipt of forementioned drafts, as well as, once verified, to give the approval for their publication in the shortest possible time. I/we understand that we give approval to the drafts if I/we do not send a response within 10 calendar days of receipt.
5. I/we affirm to know that the publication of an article in SERIARTE. Revista científica de series televisivas y arte audiovisual does not imply any cost or remuneration.
6. I/we declare to be free from any personal and/or commercial association that may pose a conflict of interest in connection with the article submitted, as well as having respected the ethical principles of scientific research.
7. The undersigned author/s transfer the property rights (copyright) of this work to SERIARTE. Revista científica de series televisivas y arte audiovisual for publication. Copyright is of two kinds: moral and patrimonial. Moral rights are perpetual, inalienable, non-transferable, inalienable, unattachable and imprescriptible prerogatives. In accordance with copyright law, SERIARTE. Revista científica de series televisivas y arte audiovisual recognizes and respects the moral right of the author/s, as well as the ownership of the patrimonial right, which will be transferred to the University of Córdoba for its promotion in open access. The economic rights refer to the benefits obtained from the use or disclosure of the works SERIARTE. Revista científica de series televisivas y arte audiovisual is published in open access and is exclusively authorized to carry out or authorize by any means the use, distribution, promotion, reproduction, adaptation, translation or transformation of the work.
It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permissions for the images that are subject to copyright.
Peer Review Process
1. The articles sent will be reviewed at first by the Editorial Team of the journal, to verify that they conform to the theme and that they comply with the style rules. Next, the text will be sent to two external reviewers (blind review), who will give an opinion: accepted; accepted after modifications; or rejected. If both reviewers coincide in their evaluation, publication will proceed; publication after modifications or rejection. If they do not match, the document will be sent to a third reviewer, who will have the final decision. In the event that a publication is proposed after modifications, it will be the author who must decide if he accepts to make those modifications, so that the text is published, or if he refuses to make them, so the text would not be published.
2. During the proofreading phase, no significant variations or additions to the text will be admitted; only corrections will be made.
3. Communication of the evaluation. Seriarte. Revista científica de series televisivas y otros medios audiovisuales undertakes to carry out the different procedures as quickly as possible, except for the revision, as it is an external process.
Self-Archiving Policy by the Author
Seriarte. Revista científica de series televisivas y otros medios audiovisuales allows and encourages authors to publish articles sent to the journal on their personal websites or in institutional repositories, both before and after their publication, as long as they provide bibliographic information that accredits, if applicable, their publication in it.