Transletters is an international online journal focusing on the different areas of Translation, such as methodologies, areas of specialisation, cultural facets, and conceptual frameworks inside the discipline.

The purpose of our journal is to publish high quality academic research on any translation-related subject, as well as reviews, and debates. We are an online journal which publishes on an annual basis, and all our publications are written in English or French, as we consider that both languages have a key presence in today’s research and professional fields. We welcome contributions with a theoretical, empirical, or applied focus. We especially welcome papers on topics at the cutting edge of the discipline.

Transletters is a project focused on combining efforts, by linking highly qualified research institutions with expertise in the field of transfer of knowledge within the different areas of study that will be addressed in the journal.

Peer Review Process

Papers will be sent confidentially and anonymously to be analysed by two experts who are neither members of the journal editing body nor part of the editorial council.  Reviewers will deliver a report concerning the convenience of the article’s publication, which will be taken into consideration by the Editorial Board secretariat. Announcement of the publication of the paper, or if not revision recommendations will be communicated to the author. If the evaluating experts disagree, the paper shall be sent to a third evaluator.

A revised paper may be considered for publication conditionally to the inclusion of changes. It must be corrected and returned to the editos of the Journal at the most within a month. If the revised version is not sent within this established period, the article will be rejected and the author will have to start a new process of submission.

If necessary, the new version will again be sent to the external evaluators; this process will continue until the paper merits a definitive acceptance from the Journal. The authors will receive a notification concerning the evaluation reports only when both evaluators send their reports. 

Open Access Policy

This Journal provides open access to its content on the principle of giving the public free access to research support to a greater global exchange of knowledge.