Can computer-assisted interpreting tools assist interpreting?

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Xinyu Wang
Caiwen Wang


This experimental study explores how a potential computer-assisted interpreting tool affects consecutive interpreters’ performance in accuracy and fluency and their cognitive process during interpreting. It consists of an experiment with ten participants and a follow-up interview with them. The results show that: (1) the tool has improved interpreters’ interpreting accuracy but its impact on fluency is mixed; (2) the tool especially benefits those who have better language proficiency and have had interpreting experiences; and (3) the use of the tool has increased interpreters’ cognitive load insomuch that novice interpreters who have relatively low language proficiency are adversely affected. 


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How to Cite
Wang, X., & Wang, C. (2019). Can computer-assisted interpreting tools assist interpreting?. Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, (3), 109–139. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Xinyu Wang

freeance interpreter

Caiwen Wang, University of Westminster

Dr, Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities