A Lexicological Study of Friendship in Arabic

Contenu principal de l'article

Nader Al Jallad


Being one of the main concepts that represent the Arab culture, this paper studies the Arab concept of friendship and the definitions some bilingual Arabic-English dictionaries provide of the lexical items that convey it, and how such concepts can be inaccurate or inadequate. It also focuses on how friendship is linguistically encoded through proverbs, collocations, and frequent expressions. The analysis and results of this paper can help translators since Arabic friendship words are quite numerous and tend to be frequently used.


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Comment citer
Al Jallad, N. (2019). A Lexicological Study of Friendship in Arabic. Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, (2), 49–62. Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.uco.es/tl/article/view/11478
Biographie de l'auteur

Nader Al Jallad, Universidad de Córdoba

Traducción e Interpetación


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