The Presence of Juan de Mena in the Cancionero Musical de la Colombina ms. 7-1-28 (About Vuestros ojos que miraron)

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Ester L. Cicchetti


The Cancionero musical (ms. 1.7.28) of Seville’s Colombina Library includes one of the oldest and most famous collections of secular polyphony from the late XVth century, by composers such as Triana and Cornago and poets such as Mena and Santillana. In this occasion I have ventured to offer a few reflections about some anonymous and incomplete stanzas added by another hand in the f. 6r of this songbook, after the villancico Gentil dama, set to music by Cornago. The comparison with the rest of the tradition has led to cast some light on the configuration of these fragments, in some occasions their authorship, and the intention of the copyist who inserted them. A prime example is Juan de Mena’s song Vuestros ojos que miraron: although we don’t know its melody, it isn’t too speculative to suppose that this piece, like the other two by the same author copied in the songbook, has also been popularized in the sung form. Through the study of the rhetoric, metrics and thematic relationships between Cornago’s villancico, Mena’s poem and the other fragmentary texts added in the f. 6r without music, we could confirm the hypothesis that these fragments were sung as an alternative to the mudanza Gentil dama.


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Cicchetti, E. L. “The Presence of Juan De Mena in the Cancionero Musical De La Colombina Ms. 7-1-28 (About Vuestros Ojos Que Miraron)”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 6, Dec. 2018, pp. 324-40, doi:10.21071/calh.v6i.11550.


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