Some Observations on the Aquiline Nose: from D’Artagnan to Alatriste and from Physiognomy to Physiognomy

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Alexis Grohmann


This article focuses on the nose in literature and, specifically, on the aquiline nose as it is outlined in the narrative corpus of Arturo Pérez-Reverte, where its presence is striking, at least in many of his early novels, and in several other European literary works that perhaps served as a model or inspiration for the writer from Cartagena. This is not an exhaustive study, but rather a series of observations on this subject —little or hardly studied at all— that may perhaps give rise to future research. We will also dwell on a possible meaning of this type of nose, that is to say, on a physiognomy that can be derived from this physiognomic trait. It is a discreet but recurrent detail, striking to the attentive reader. It is not a casual element and, therefore, one might ask how it should be interpreted or what it means.


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Grohmann, A. “Some Observations on the Aquiline Nose: From D’Artagnan to Alatriste and from Physiognomy to Physiognomy”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 10, Jan. 2023, pp. 701-14, doi:10.21071/calh.vi10.15397.


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