Wrinkles, a Rereading of the Graphic Novel for an Approach and Dialogue between Cinema and Literature

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Cristina Rosales García


This article exhaustively analyzes the main adaptation procedures carried out in the animated film Wrinkles (2011) by Ignacio Ferreras, based on the graphic novel of the same name published in 2007 by illustrator Paco Roca. The focus is mainly on issues related to old age -how this stage of life is socially perceived, the consequences of growing old for oneself, the real possibility of creating emotional bonds in the last years of life-, Alzheimer's disease or the inaction that reigns in old people's homes. A brief note is also made on the current situation of graphic novels adaptations in Spain. Furthermore, it is proposed to reconsider the concept of identification in cinema and replace it with that of emotional adhesion, using the example of Wrinkles.


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Rosales García, C. “Wrinkles, a Rereading of the Graphic Novel for an Approach and Dialogue Between Cinema and Literature”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 12, Jan. 2025, pp. 533-70, https://journals.uco.es/creneida/article/view/16691.


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