Benefits and criticism. Should we support or neglect using rubrics? Evidences from a literature review

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Maha Azmi Dandis


Despite their numerous advantages, Rubrics have come under some criticism recently, some of it is reasonable, but much of it is not (Spandel, 2006). This article will spot the light on the rubrics as a formative assessment tool, starting with its definition, its benefits, and finally a debate between its supporters and opponents. In education, we need an ongoing conversation about assessment tools not just in our professional community, but in our classrooms, with students; that key piece of dialogue is all too often overlooked by all of those who extol the rubric’s usefulness or who prophesy the doom it may bring (Gilmore ,2007)


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Cómo citar
Azmi Dandis, M. (2014). Benefits and criticism. Should we support or neglect using rubrics? Evidences from a literature review. EDMETIC, 3(2), 91–113.


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