Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word.
  • Where available, URLs and DOI for the references have been provided.
  • The article is between 7000 - 10000 words in length.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The manuscript strictly follows the template and style guidelines of the journal.
  • To ensure the integrity of the anonymous manuscript review, it is necessary to prevent the authors' identity from being known. This entails authors making adjustments to their text in the following aspects:
    - Their names must be removed from the text, using "Author" and the year in citations and footnotes, instead of the author's name. Any acknowledgment, project number, or name should also be eliminated from any section of the document.
    - Complete references of any authors must be deleted from the Bibliographic References section.
    - Given the adoption of a double-blind review policy, authors are requested to eliminate any identifying features from the document, ensuring that no author's name (or allusion to the author, such as funding source, grant number, or project acknowledgements) appears in the main text, in-text citations, footnotes, reference list, or any section of the manuscript.
  • An additional Word document is included, containing the contact information of three POTENTIAL referees (see requirements).
  • The ORCID code of all authors submitting a new article is recorded.

  • The article falls within the scope of the journal: Translation and Interpretation


1. Submission of Original Articles and Book Reviews

1.1. Submission of Original Articles:

Original manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the journal's OJS system. Authors must register at the following link: https://journals.uco.es/hikma/user/register. Submission of original articles requires strict adherence to the journal's style guide and template:

1.2. Submission for Book Reviews

If you wish to submit a book review, please contact our review coordinator, Dr. Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano in advance (a.bolanos@ucl.ac.uk). The submission of book reviews also requires compliance with the style guide and template provided by the journal.

Books for review should be sent to our review coordinator, Dr. Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano (a.bolanos@ucl.ac.uk).

2. Formal Characteristics of Articles

All contributions should have a length of between 7000 to 10000 words. All submissions must adhere to the Style Guide provided by Hikma: Translation Studies. The template is available at:

Accepted languages for publication: Spanish, English, French, and Italian.

  • The Title, Abstract, and Keywords should be written in both Spanish and English. If an article is in French or Italian, the title, abstract, and keywords should also appear in English and Spanish.
  • An additional Word document with the contact information of the three potential referees is included (see Section 3).

Ensuring anonymous review: To maintain the integrity of anonymous manuscript review, the authors must avoid revealing their identity. The following guidelines should be followed:

  • Names should be removed from the text, using the term "Author." This guideline applies to the beginning of the article, bibliographic references, and footnotes. Any acknowledgements, project numbers, or names should be eliminated from any section of the document.
  • Complete references to any of the authors should be removed from the Bibliographic References section.

3. Referees

Suggestions for peer referees: Authors are requested to provide a maximum of three potential referees (with their names, affiliations, and email addresses) with the following restrictions: do not include current or former mentors/supervisors, current or former research collaborators, current or former students or post-docs, and no referees from the same institution. Editors retain the exclusive right to decide whether to contact suggested referees. Note that typically, no more than one referee for a particular manuscript will be selected from the suggested list. Authors MUST attach a Word file (in supplementary documents) with all requested information.

4. Proofreading

Each author will receive a single proofreading copy, which they commit to correcting within 60 days from the date of the article proposal deadline.