1. Article Submission 

An acknowledgement of the receipt of submitted work will be promptly communicated via email. In this phase, an initial editorial evaluation will take place, considering a) alignment with the thematic content and interest of the work according to the journal's editorial criteria and b) adherence to the formal format requirements mandated by editorial decisions. Reception of the document does not guarantee acceptance. At this preliminary stage and before entering a second phase (peer review), the author will be contacted to inform them whether the article has been accepted, rejected, or requires revision. 

The double-blind review policy necessitates strict anonymity regarding the authorship of the article. Therefore, the author must eliminate all identifying elements from the document, ensuring that no author names (or allusions to the author, e.g., funding source, grant number, or acknowledgements) appear in the main text, both in the sections and in any other part of the manuscript. 

2. Blind Peer-Review process 

The journal will engage specialised referees, both national and international, to assess the methodological procedures used in this work. The selection of referees is at the discretion of the journal editors, considering their academic and scientific merits, as well as their professional experience. Evaluation Committee members may serve as referees, provided they are not part of the Editorial Board or the Scientific Advisory Board. 

The judgments of the peer review for the journal HIKMA: Translation Journal will be objective, and referees will have no conflicts of interest with the research, authors, and/or research funders. The purpose of this review process is to ensure that the article proposed for publication is clear, explicit, and coherent with the formal and content-quality parameters required by the journal's prestige. Referees will maintain the confidentiality of the reviewed articles. 

Following the evaluation, referees will submit a report on the suitability of the article for publication, which will be considered by the Editorial Board secretary. The announcement of the article's publication or, if necessary, recommendations for revision will be communicated to the author along with the referees' reports. If the publication of an article is contingent on incorporating changes (major or minor), it must be corrected and returned to the journal. If needed, the revised version will be sent back to the external evaluators. This process continues until the work is accepted by the journal. 

If expert evaluators disagree, the document will be referred to as a third evaluator. 

If the work is deemed publishable but requires minor changes, it will be carried out by an editorial committee in contact with the author. However, the work may also be returned to the author for the necessary adjustments, as deemed by the Editorial Board. 

3. Acceptances and Rejections 

The decision by journal editors to accept or reject works will consider at least two circumstances: exclusion criteria and inclusion criteria. 

Exclusion criteria for admission of works include: 

  1. Not being included in the scientific topics addressed by the journal.
  2. Not using the proposed citation system as indicated.
  3. Not submitting the work in the specified format.

The inclusion criteria evaluated by expert referees were as follows: 

  1. Work must align with the objectives of the section to which they are intended.
  2. Works must be original or at least provide a qualitative analysis that proposes valuable information.
  3. Novelty, timeliness, and advancements in topics are expected for this publication.
  4. Consistency in the methodology and logical presentation of the work presented.
  5. A good formal presentation is required for academic expression, text organisation, and presentation tailored to scientific writing.

To ensure the timeliness and diversity of the research published in Hikma: Translation Journal, the editorial policy is to limit the number of articles published by the same author in a given period. In this regard, only one article per author per year will be published in our journal. Furthermore, the publication of more than two consecutive articles by the same author is not allowed. This policy aims to promote the diversity of perspectives and topics covered in each issue, thus fostering an equitable space for the contribution of different researchers. We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our authors in this initiative, which aims to strengthen the quality and plurality of Hikma: Translation Journal. We are committed to maintaining a dynamic and enriching editorial space for the academic community.

  Starting in 2024, all works will be published in the following formats: PDF, EPUB, and HTML. 

4. Editorial Responsibilities 

The editorial board’s responsibilities include accrediting the quality of articles and editorial processes and endorsing the journal's quality with its prestige. In this regard, journal editors assume full responsibility and hold the authority to reject or accept articles. Editors confirm that they have no conflicts of interest with the rejected articles and that an article will only be accepted when its authenticity and originality are certain. If errors are identified, editors will suggest the correction or retraction of incorrect information, preserving the anonymity of the contributors. 

  • Articles Section: Double-blind external peer review. 
  • Reviews Section: Review by the review's coordinator.