Band of Brothers and how to take advantage from hbo’s vision of World War II

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Miguel Dávila Vargas-Machuca


Since its premiere, Band of Brothers (HBO, 2001) has been considered one of the best series in history, with an undeniable quality that blurs the boundaries between television and cinema. Its privileged position in the history of television, and its example of spectacular production have made it an paradigm for many other later historical or epic series. As an adaptation of Stephen Ambrose's namesake novel, it is based on a solid historical foundation, offering the audience a very attractive result based on facts that are necessarily partial to a conflict as broad as the one in which it is set, the World War II. But both its plot and the unique narrative tools it uses make it a very valuable audiovisual complement that can be used to support our knowledge and teaching about a conflict that was so decisive for the development of the 20th century and even in our present 21st century.


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Dávila Vargas-Machuca, M. . (2023). Band of Brothers and how to take advantage from hbo’s vision of World War II. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 3, 32–58.


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