1. Submission of papers

All papers must follow the Style Sheet available for Transletters. Unformatted papers will be rejected.

Contributors must submit a .docx file including an abstract in English or French (no longer than 100 words) as well as five key words must also be sent.

All the articles will include the full name of the authors and their institutional affiliation (university, institute, etc.). These details will be deleted by the editors in an anonymous version to be sent to reviewers.

Accepted publication languages: English and French

Papers should be sent through OJS system. In order to do so, authors should register on the following link: https://journals.uco.es/tl/user/register, select the profile "Author" and upload the paper.

2. Address to send books for review

Books for review must be sent to the following address:

Dr. Carmen Expósito Castro (lr1excac@uco.es)

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Córdoba. Plaza Cardenal Salazar, 3 ― 14071 Córdoba (Spain)



1. The receipt of the articles

Receipt of the articles will be acknowledged by e-mail in the briefest period possible. In this phase a preliminary editorial assessment will take place in which we shall evaluate: a) the appropriateness to the thematic content and interest of the paper in relation to the editorial criteria of the Journal, and b) the fulfilment of the formal formatting requirements demanded by the publishing rules. Reception of the paper does not guarantee its acceptance. In this first stage and before entering a second phase (blind peer reviewing), we will communicate to the author if the article has been accepted, rejected or needs some corrections.

2. Blind peer reviews

Papers will be sent confidentially and anonymously to be analysed by two experts who are neither members of the journal editing body nor part of the editorial council.  Reviewers will deliver a report concerning the convenience of the article’s publication, which will be taken into consideration by the Editorial Board secretariat. Announcement of the publication of the paper, or if not revision recommendations will be communicated to the author. If the evaluating experts disagree, the paper shall be sent to a third evaluator.

A revised paper may be considered for publication conditionally to the inclusion of changes. It must be corrected and returned to the editos of the Journal at the most within a month. If the revised version is not sent within this established period, the article will be rejected and the author will have to start a new process of submission.

If necessary, the new version will again be sent to the external evaluators; this process will continue until the paper merits a definitive acceptance from the Journal. The authors will receive a notification concerning the evaluation reports only when both evaluators send their reports. 

3. Reviewers

The Journal uses specialised reviewers to compare methodological procedures used in papers. The choice of reviewers depends on the journal editors, who take into account their academic and scientific merits, and their professional experience, including both national and international specialists. 

 4. Acceptations and refusals

The Journal editors’ decision to accept or reject a paper will take into account both the negative and the favourable judgements of the evaluators.


Criteria for rejecting a paper include:

a.  Not being included under the scientific topics cultivated by the Journal.

b.  Not using the proposed citation system.

c.  Not sending the paper in the required format (please use our Style Sheet )

d. Previous publication of the same study (even in another language).


Criteria for accepting a paper include:

a.  Papers must conform to the objectives of the section in which they are offered.

b.  Papers must be original, or at least offer a qualitative analysis proffering valuable information.

c.  Novelty, freshness and advances in the themes covered by the Journal.

d.  In all cases coherence in the methodology and logic in the work submitted will be demanded.

e.  A good formal presentation will be required, that is, good writing and text organisation: logical coherence and presentation.



1. Length

The papers should be between 4000 - 8000 words using 12 Garamond.

Abstracts should not be over 100 words, and Key Words must include 5 words.

2. Style sheet.

All papers must follow the Style Sheet available for Transletters.

Please use our style sheet including header, footer and logotype of Transletters.

Papers that are not adapted to the format required will be rejected.

3. Quotations

Harvard Referencing System should be used.

When citing within the text, the author’s surname and the year of publication must be included:

  • Example 1: Recording personal achievements can be used a reflective tool and can help an individual identify their own skills and expertise (Cottrell, 2015).
  • Example 2: Cottrell (2015) suggests that recording personal achievements can be used as a reflective tool and can help an individual identify their own skills and expertise.

In-text direct quotes must include the name of author, year of publication and page.

  • Example: The purpose of translation is to reconstitute “the foreign text in accordance with the values, beliefs and representations” (Venuti, 2008: 13).

When quoting a book which has been translated the name of the translator must appear. A book with no publication place specified must be cited as s.l. (= sine loco) and with no date as s.d. (= sine dato).

All sources that have been mentioned in the main text need to be listed, alphabetically, in the referencing section using the Harvard Referencing System.

* Examples of quotations:

Book (1 author): Newmark, P. (1991): About translation. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.

Book (2 or more authors): Lightbown, P. and Spada, N. (1993) How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Edited book: Marínez Sierra, J. and Zabalbeascoa Terrán, P. (eds.) (2017) The translation of humour. La traducción del humor. 1sted., Universitat D’Alacant: MonTI.

Chapter from an edited book: Dickson, D. (2006) ‘Reflecting.’ In Hargie, O. (ed.) The handbook of communication skills. 3rd ed., London: Routledge, pp. 165-194.

Translated book: Siohan, R. (1959) Stravinsky. Translated by E. W. White, 1965. London: Calder and Boyars Ltd.

Journal article: Mar, R., DeYoung, C., Higgins, D. and Peterson, J. (2006) ‘Self-liking and self-competence separate self-evaluation from self-deception: associations with personality, ability, and achievement.’ Journal of Personality, 74(4) pp. 1047-1078.

Online journal article: Orero, Pilar (2017) ‘The professional profile of the expert in media accessibility for the scenic arts.’ Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione RIIT, 19 , pp. 143-161. [Online] [Accesssed on 18th November 2017] DOI 10.13137/2421-6763/13662 (or) https://www.openstarts.units.it/handle/10077/17356

Movie: La La Land. (2016) Directed by D. Chazelle. [Film] USA: Summit Entertainment.

DVD: La ciudad de las estrellas. La La Land. (2016) Directed by D. Chazelle. [DVD] España: Universal Pictures International Ltd.

Movie accessed online: Slumdog Millionaire. (2008) Directed by D. Boyle. and L. Tandan. [Online] Available through Netflix. [Accessed on 3rd October 2016]