The realistic landscape in the anime: from the aesthetics in Makoto to the message of Studio Ghibli

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Marina Eva Cabezas Morales
María Dolores García Ramos


The importance of the natural landscape in art is undeniable, especially for painting and cinema. Japanese animation, as a union of both artistic genres, is one of the best examples when it comes to seeing how the realistic landscape develops as one of the fundamental characteristics for the creation of its works. Through the productions of Makoto Shinkai, Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki we will see how the representation of the scenarios becomes one of the peculiarities of Anime, becoming an element of significance within the work.


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Cabezas Morales, M. E., & García Ramos, M. D. (2024). The realistic landscape in the anime: from the aesthetics in Makoto to the message of Studio Ghibli. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 6, 136–154.


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