Los bailarines más allá de los estereotipos: la necesidad de una representación auténtica en la ficción audiovisual
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Audiovisual fiction can be a powerful tool for representing dance, but it often perpetuates negative and unrealistic stereotypes about dancers. This article explores the need to represent dance authentically in audiovisual fiction and how this can help challenge and dismantle existing stereotypes.
Stereotypes in audiovisual fiction often portray dancers as superficial, obsessed with their body image and physical perfection. However, this representation is unrealistic and can have negative consequences on the dancers' self-esteem and their inclusion in society.
It is important that the representation of dance in audiovisual fiction is authentic, it can help challenge and dismantle stereotypes about dancers, promote inclusion and celebrate diversity, including a wide variety of cultural, racial, gender and socioeconomic experiences. In addition, the representation must present the dance technique in a manner accessible to the general publicand avoid the idealization of physical perfection.
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