Corrupt and decadent. Art and baroque aesthetics in the television series Hannibal

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Leire Azkunaga García


Hannibal stands out among contemporary seriality for its daring and outstanding use of aesthetics, whose aim is none other than to mask the horror hidden and perpetrated by its eponymous main character. Hannibal Lecter's unmistakable taste for art, as well as the character's ambivalent nature is also transferred to television fiction through his recreations of works of art he creates by means of his victims. His art is built on the artistic movement of the Baroque and, based on body art or contemporary art, he takes the human body— the corpse— to shape it, misshape it, and establish it as the centerpiece of his work. This corrupt and decadent art not only seeks to pervert the concept of beauty, but also of art itself in the reinterpretation it proposes.


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Azkunaga García, L. (2024). Corrupt and decadent. Art and baroque aesthetics in the television series Hannibal. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 6, 231–254.


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