The local, the natural and the non-figurative in Pacifiction (Albert Serra, 2022) and Samsara (Lois Patiño, 2023)

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Jesús Urbano Reyes


In the last decade, a renewed interest in the rural world has defined some of the most successful film productions in Spain. This tendency has been defined as Neo-rural and it includes films such as Alcarràs, As bestas or 20,000 species of bees. This paper synthesizes the different contemporary approaches to rurality in Spanish cinema and it focuses on an aesthetic trend that depicts natural environments from an abstract perspective, which is halfway between the non-figurative and the contemplative, between experimental cinema and the international film movement known as slow cinema. That is, a view that goes beyond narrative or sociological interpretations. Finally, two transnational essential films to this tendency are analyzed: Pacifiction and Samsara. The analysis consists of a comparative study divided in three sections: the depiction of the local, the way in which landscape is filmed and audiovisual experimentation.


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Urbano Reyes, J. (2024). The local, the natural and the non-figurative in Pacifiction (Albert Serra, 2022) and Samsara (Lois Patiño, 2023). SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 6, 22–51.


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