La traducción del argot sexual en series juveniles: el doblaje de Sex Education

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Maria del Mar Ogea Pozo
Lara Hidalgo Bujalance


Nowadays, Netflix has clearly established itself in Spain as one of the most successful VOD platforms in the audiovisual scene. The key to its success is the variety of productions available, which satisfy subscribers of all ages and social groups. One of the most popular series among the young population is Sex Education (2019), a series that has dared to faithfully represent the behavior and speech of teenagers in daily situations related to sexuality, reproducing their language with no taboo. In the present study, we conduct an analysis of the translation (EN-ES) of the youth sociolect in terms of sexual slang, in order to determine the predominant linguistic register in both British and Spanish cultures, as well as the levels of intensity of the terminology used in both languages. Finally, we evaluate the impact of sexual slang among the young Spanish audience to ascertain whether dubbing provides the same degree of naturalness and adequacy of the sociolect, so as to ensure the success of Sex Education among its consumers.


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Come citare
Ogea Pozo, M. del M., & Hidalgo Bujalance, L. . (2022). La traducción del argot sexual en series juveniles: el doblaje de Sex Education. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 1, 90–114.
Biografia autore

Maria del Mar Ogea Pozo, Universidad de Córdoba

Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Filosofía, Geografía, Traducción e Interpretación.

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