Rostro, retrato y herencia tradicional china en el cine de Tsai Ming-Liang

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Jesús España Rodríguez


We approach the study of two films by the filmmaker Tsai Ming-Liang, Journey to the west (2014) and Your face (2018), in order to study the special treatment of the face and the possible emergence of a filmed portrait in them. To do so, we will study the differences between the formalisation and ideology of the face in classical cinema, which does not allow for the independence of its elements or, by extension, the possibility of a portraiture, in contrast to that in Tsai's Eastern visual aesthetic system, where the heritage of traditional Chinese painting is decisive in the emergence of an independent filmed face that is presented, we believe, as a cinematic portrait in its entirety.


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España Rodríguez, J. (2023). Rostro, retrato y herencia tradicional china en el cine de Tsai Ming-Liang. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 4, 188–210.


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