Family-centered practices in early intervention: family confidence, competence, and quality of life
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Family Quality of Life (FQoL) is considered the main goal of Early Intervention (EI) and an indicator of the quality of support services. The effectiveness of EI programs should be objectified by considering this construct along with other family outcomes, in addition to those related to the child’s progress and functional performance. To this end, this study analyzes the FQoL and the parental confidence and competence of 43 Spanish families of children from 0 to 6 years old in EI. We examine the predictive and mediating role of parental confidence and competence in FQoL through a correlational and descriptive cross-sectional study. The measures used are the Everyday Parenting Scale (modified version) and the Con-Fam scale, which measures parental competence in EI. Likewise, the Families in Early Intervention Quality of Life (FEIQoL) is used. The results indicate an acceptable perception of FQoL, as well as parental confidence and competence. There is a strong direct relationship between family confidence and competence and FQoL. It is found that EI service characteristics such as a greater number of professionals are related to lower parental confidence and competence, worse perception of the child’s functioning and, consequently, lower FQoL. Implications for future studies and prospective for services are presented.
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