Psychology, Society & Education (PSE)  is a scientific/professional publication of a multidisciplinary nature, open to works corresponding to the fields of Psychology, Education and Social Welfare. Its main objective is to provide scientific evidence that facilitates adequate, well-adapted solutions to the main psycho-social problems in the world today. PSE accepts accepts manuscripts of both basic and applied research, as well as systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which are supported by solid and consolidated data, analysis and arguments. All manuscripts received undergo a thorough peer review process. PSE is a completely free journal, both for readers and authors.

Important: Papers may be submited in either English or Spanish. If the original manuscript is submitted in Spanish, once accepted it must be translated into English (this would be mandatory for manuscripts received after November 2022) and uploaded in word format to the journal's website. The journal does not cover any associated translation costs.

PSE publishes an annual volume divided into three issues. Each of the issues is published in the months of January, May and September.