Vocational training for employment of adults in Europe: state of the art
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This paper approaches adult vocational training from an analytical and comparative point of view in order to understand, on a theoretical and practical level, how this training has an impact on the labour market and its beneficiaries. The PRISMA methodology is used for this purpose. Based on the search terms collected in the UNESCO Thesaurus, we initially analysed 136 articles located in impact journals included in Scopus and Web Of Science. After an exhaustive analysis process, a total of 11 papers were collected. The results show that adult Vocational Education and Training is a field of study with great potential. Although there is still work to be done and it is necessary to unite social agents and entities in order to improve the system, more and more countries are opting for it and its promotion. Vocational training for employment has proven to have a high impact on its users, both on a personal and professional level. We cannot forget that each country has a different system and division, so in this article we have dealt with all those training processes aimed at improving or obtaining employment, aimed at people over 16 years of age.
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