Does academic procrastination mediate the link between Facebook addiction and academic satisfaction?
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Purpose: Earlier studies suggested a link between Facebook addiction and life satisfaction among university students, but the association between it and academic satisfaction and their inner influencing mechanisms still needs to be clarified. This study investigated a mediation model between Facebook addiction and academic satisfaction, with academic procrastination as a mediator. Methods: A sample of 710 students (M = 18.80, SD = 0.8; 61.5% are female) from a university in Vietnam completed measures of Facebook addiction, academic procrastination, and academic satisfaction. Simple mediation analyses were conducted using PROCESS (Model 4) to calculate the indirect effects of Facebook addiction on academic satisfaction through academic procrastination. Findings: The results indicated that Facebook addiction was positively associated with academic satisfaction among university students, and academic procrastination partially mediated the association between Facebook addiction and academic satisfaction among university students. Conclusion: These findings provide a better understanding of the relationship between Facebook addiction, academic procrastination, and academic satisfaction, which may guide targeted interventions to improve academic satisfaction among university students.
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