Alexithymia and aggressiveness in old age: Mediation by impulsivity and emotion dysregulation

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Helena Espirito-Santo
Fernanda Daniel
Laura Lemos
Luis Simões-Cunha
Alexandra Grasina


Aggressiveness is prevalent in old age, and to adapt treatments and diminish the accompanying damage to the self and others, it is important to understand aggressiveness predictors. Poor emotional awareness, impulsivity, and emotion dysregulation are potential mechanisms influencing aggressiveness. The present study examines whether alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, and impulsivity influence aggressiveness in older adults; and whether the effect of alexithymia is conditioned by emotional dysregulation and impulsivity after controlling for probable confounders. The sample consisted of 326 Portuguese older adults (63.2% female) aged 60-96 years from residential care homes and the community. Participants completed report instruments measuring alexithymia, emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, and aggressiveness. Results of the mediation analysis showed that older adults who had more alexithymia tended to report higher levels of emotional dysregulation and impulsivity, which in turn accounted for higher reported aggressiveness. All these effects were independent of cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms. This study suggests the relevance of evaluating and intervening on alexithymia, impulsivity, and emotion dysregulation to reducing aggressiveness in older people.


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Espirito-Santo , H. ., Daniel, F. ., Lemos, L., Simões-Cunha , L., & Grasina, A. (2022). Alexithymia and aggressiveness in old age: Mediation by impulsivity and emotion dysregulation. Psychology, Society & Education, 14(1), 35–43.


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