Effects of parenting guidelines on the roles of school violence
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The study of parenting guidelines is a subject of constant interest, as it provides evidence of the importance of the family in the prevention of violence at school. The main objective was to analyze the influences of parenting patterns (democratic, authoritarian, negligent and permissive) on school violence. In addition, the Parenting Guidelines Inventory was validated for Colombia. The sample was probabilistic and consisted of 490 students, aged between 10 and 20 years (M = 13.62; SD = 1.86), 52.4% male students. Evidence of content and construct validity was obtained for the IPC inventory; finally, a structural equation model was analyzed. The results suggest that the aggressor role is determined by predominantly undemocratic parenting patterns. The role of victimization is explained by exposure to an authoritarian and undemocratic pattern; the role of victimization is explained by authoritarian and undemocratic guidelines. Optimal psychometric properties of the IPC inventory were found. The conclusions suggest promoting and strengthening democratic parenting guidelines in parents and reducing the presence of authoritarian and negligent guidelines.
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