Psychometric properties of the RG-C Romantic Ghosting Scale: an instrumental study in a Colombian sample
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The phenomenon of ghosting has become widespread, the stories about this experience are on the rise. However, there is a notable lack of research in Colombia addressing this phenomenon. This study contributes to the emerging field by considering the roles of involvement and emotional impact. Objective: To analyze the psychometric properties of a ghosting scale in romantic relationships, designed and applied to a Colombian sample. Methodology: The research is instrumental, cross-sectional, with a single group. The incidental sample consisted of 691 participants, aged between 18 and 40 years (M = 24.03; SD = 4.47). A 62.4% (n = 431) were women. Results: Adequate evidence of reliability and content and construct validity was recognized. Additionally, the scale is correlated with social media addiction. The scale is distributed into three factors according to the proposed theoretical framework. Conclusions: Romantic Ghosting Scale demonstrates optimal psychometric properties in terms of content and construct validity, along with excellent reliability values. The scale has a solid theoretical foundation and can be used to measure ghosting in romantic relationships, its roles, and its emotional impact on young Colombian adults.
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