Special Issue 2023: Hyperconnected minors’ education in the digital ecosystem
Posted on 2023-01-11Topic
Hyperconnected minors' education in the digital ecosystem
Guest Editors
Pablo César Muñoz Carril, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España pablocesar.munoz@usc.es
Rosa García-Ruiz. Universidad de Cantabria, España rosa.garcia@unican.es
Michael Hoechsmann, Lakehead University, Canadá mhoechsm@lakeheadu.ca
Call for papers
Living connected to the network from an early age has consequences. It is, therefore, the focus of interest and concern on the part of researchers from various fields of knowledge. Hyperconnected minors’ education is the responsibility of teachers, families, institutions, and political leaders, and for this reason, its study offers a multifaceted approach focused on educational improvement. You are invited to participate in this monograph with articles that focus their object of study on the minors’ education in the digital ecosystem and that address aspect related, among others, to:
- Using screens and digital devices in formal and informal educational settings provides benefits and opportunities.
- The inappropriate use of digital technologies entails dangers, risks, and behavioral problems.
- Conceptions, perceptions, and actions of the family and other educational agents in minors’ digital education (e.g., mediation and parental control, impact and effectiveness of media and digital literacy projects, the influence of sociodemographic variables, etc.).
Articles should follow APA guidelines and not exceed 6,000 words including references, figures and tables. Please review the author's norms. Articles may be submitted in Spanish or English.
Until 01/31/2023: submission of abstract (in Spanish or English), no more than 500 words for initial evaluation to psye.journal@uco.es
Until 02/15/2023: selection and communication to the authors of the accepted abstracts.
Until 05/15/2023: the authors of the selected papers must send the full text (in Spanish or English)
Until 09/30/2023: evaluation of articles
The monograph will be published in November 2023, in the Volumen 15 nº3 of the journal.
* Accepted articles must be translated into English or Spanish, as appropriate, by the authors.
Psychology, Society & Education is indexed in Scopus as a Q3 journal (2021).
The journal is Open Access and there are no author publication charges.