Gender and age influence on adolescents’ video games use
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The aim of the present study was to know teenagers’ video game usage, and whether gender and age influence it. The study was developed following a quantitative perspective, with a cross-sectional nonexperimental design, both descriptive and multivariate. An ad hoc questionnaire was used to gather the needed data, and the sample was conformed by a total of 708 Galician adolescents, aged between 12 to 18 years old (51,3% women, 48,7% men; M= 13.92; SD= 1.71). Results show significant differences according to gender and age of the participants. Boys catalogue these kinds of games as their prime leisure activity more often, spend more time playing video games during the scholar week and weekend and have been playing them for more years. On the other hand, girls indicate better values in the choice of game platform. Likewise, older adolescents state that video games are not an important element of their spare time, and spend less hours playing them both during the week and weekend. In conclusion, it seems clear that video games will be an element present in the daily life, so it’s capital to continue to study about them and personal and social topics to maximize the outcomes of these new virtual elements.
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