Use of social networks in preadolescence: gender differences
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Social networks have become a context of great influence in the socialization, learning and formation of the personality of children and adolescents. This work has two objectives. On the one hand, to know the prevalence of the use of social networks in a sample of Spanish preadolescents, analyzing which social networks they use more and possible gender differences. On the other hand, knowing who they follow and what kind of content they see on social networks, also analyzing possible gender differences. For this, a self-report questionnaire on the use of social networks was applied to 548 students (49.7% girls) in the 6th year of Primary Education (10-13 years old). The obtained results show a generalized use of social networks in these ages. Applications that allow sharing and viewing videos, as well as instant messaging applications, are mainly used. The pattern of use shows results consistent with traditional gender roles. Boys follow publications about sports or video games more than girls. Girls follow publications about music, fashion, health/beauty, politics, art and celebrities more than boys. Girls follow family members through social networks to a greater extent than boys. The main educational implications of these results are discussed.
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