Basic psychological needs and coping among tenants at risk of eviction
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This study examines the correlation between three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness), measured with the Basic Psychological Needs Scale) and coping (measured with the Coping Strategy Indicator) among 495 tenants (54% male, M = 43 years) at risk of eviction in five Dutch municipalities. The effect of demographic variables on basic psychological needs, coping, and the relationship between both is determined. This study shows that tenants with strong feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness engage more in problem solving coping instead of avoiding their challenges. Tenants with strong feelings of relatedness seek social support more often. Older tenants tend to feel more autonomous compared to younger tenants and engage more in problem solving and less in seeking social support. Age does not affect the correlations between basic psychological needs and coping. On average, male tenants feel more competent than female tenants. Female tenants show a strong positive correlation between autonomy and problem solving. Native Dutch tenants generally feel more autonomous and related than tenants with an immigration background and engage in significantly less avoidance coping. Correlations between basic psychological needs and coping did not differ between both groups. The results of this study illustrate the need to develop targeted, individualized interventions that increase tenants’ sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which in turn increases their problem-solving coping and reduces their avoidant behavior, which may avert evictions.
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