Motivational profiles of Spanish students PISA 2018: emotional characterization and differences in academic performance
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In recent decades, different studies have been carried out that examine in depth the requirements that people must present in order to learn something new. These studies show the need to combine more instrumental aspects, such as skills, knowledge or strategies, with motivational aspects, such as disposition or intention. This study aims to identify motivational profiles, based on self-efficacy and academic goals, and to study their relationship with engagement (effort and persistence in the task), emotions (fear of failure and positive affect) and academic performance (mathematics and science). The sample consists of 7,524 (50.9% female) Secondary Education students who participated in the PISA 2018 assessment (M = 15.84, SD = 0.29). Employing a Latent Profile Analysis, five motivational profiles were identified. Of these, profiles with more adaptive scores in self-efficacy and learning goals present lower fear of failure, more positive affect, more effort/persistence and better academic performance (scientific and mathematical). These results raise the need to promote a correct motivational orientation, as well as the maintenance of student self-efficacy to promote their commitment, performance and emotional well-being.
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