Problematic Internet use in primary school: time of use, family supervision and video problematic game use as predictors differentiating by gender
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Internet use time and problematic use has increased at early ages, and family supervision is socially promoted. Thus, it is common for households to allow more time at the weekend to use the Internet for various forms of leisure activities. On the other hand, among the frequent activities is the use of video games, and there is evidence of problematic use; however, it is not known to what extent all these factors may influence the prediction of problematic Internet use in primary school students. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze whether time spent using the Internet during the week and on weekends, family supervision and problematic use of video games predict problematic Internet use. Additionally, gender differences are examined. A total of 319 Spanish students of 5th-6th grade of Primary Education (52.4% boys) and mean age of 10.58 years participated in the study. By means of linear regressions, the results show that the greatest predictor is the problematic use of video games in both genders and somewhat higher in boys. Likewise, it is relevant that connection time during the week is the second risk factor and greater than weekend use time. Regarding family supervision, only girls benefit from their protective factor. The importance of family and school supervision in the use of the Internet by minors is discussed.
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