The influence of health-promoting schools on the students’ active and sedentary behaviour

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Alexandra Valencia-Peris
Lucia Sanchis-Francés
Carlos Chinchilla-Ramírez


Physical inactivity and levels of sedentary behaviour among students are associated with health problems, and schools are one of the institutions with the greatest potential for promoting healthy habits. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in a sample of schoolchildren according to gender, educational stage, and belonging (or not) to an Active school. A total of 727 students participated (50.3% girls; Mage = 12.8). Two questionnaires were used: the Physical Activity Questionnaire to assess physical activity levels and levels and the Young Leisure Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire to assess sedentary time. The results show that, regardless of school type: a) the vast majority did not comply with the guidelines, b) boys spent more time in physical activity and screen time than girls, and c) physical activity decreased and screen time increased as students progressed through the educational stage. However, while there were no differences in physical activity according to school type, students who did not belong to an Active school spent more time in sedentary screen time than those who did. These findings call into question the effectiveness of Active schools as a strategy to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary time by eliminating gender and educational stage differences. There is a need to improve intervention approaches in schools to promote holistically healthy and active lifestyles from childhood.


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Valencia-Peris, A., Sanchis-Francés, L., & Chinchilla-Ramírez, C. (2025). The influence of health-promoting schools on the students’ active and sedentary behaviour. Psychology, Society & Education, 17(1), 1–10.
Monográfico vol17 n1 (2025)


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