Regional institutional strategies to promote physical activity in schools
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In recent years, the high level of physical inactivity among schoolchildren has led public authorities to develop strategies to promote physical activity that place educational centers as the main intervention framework. In this work, the regional institutional strategies for promoting an active lifestyle were analyzed, from the perspective of a design evaluation. Through the institutional websites and officia publications of the different autonomous administrations, a total of 17 strategies were identified developed in 14 autonomous communities. The elements that literature identifies as key to promoting the effectiveness of the strategies were analyzed. The results showed some strengths such as its multicomponent design, planning of extracurricular activities, financial support, teacher training, and compensation and recognition of their work. However, the results also confirmed some weaknesses such as the shortage of actions in the subject of Physical Education or the lack of specific strategies for girls, as well as the need to delve deeper into the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of the programs.
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