Service-Learning and promotion of physical activity in social centres during the initial training of Physical Education teachers
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Pre-service teacher training faces the challenge of implementing training models that allow for quality preparation of future Physical Education teachers, so that they can develop professional competences linked to real contexts while promoting regular physical activity and healthy habits in society. The aim of this work is to analyze the experience of Service-Learning in different social centers with the aim of promoting an active lifestyle and generating psychological and interpersonal well-being. To this end, a qualitative methodology has been used through an intrinsic case study in which semi-structured in-depth interviews have been conducted with three teachers in charge of developing Service-Learning projects and three focus groups with ten students aged between 20 and 30 who have taken subjects in the Physical Education section of the Bachelor’s Degree in Education. The most relevant findings indicate that Service-Learning interventions involving physical-sport activities in social centers have a positive effect on the development of an active lifestyle, contribute to the development of teaching competencies, and allow students to engage with other non-academic social contexts while fostering civic engagement. The main conclusion drawn is that this model promotes collaboration between the university and other social entities, while encouraging an active lifestyle and promoting regular physical activity among specific groups that do not typically engage in it.
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