The role of strategic learning skills in the dropout from sport in adolescence
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Abandonment from sports activities is a significant and increasing process in adolescence, with several negative involvements at multiple levels, such as the acquisition of an unhealthy lifestyle. The decision of dropping out of sporting activity may be linked to sport and non-sport aspects in various domains. Interestingly, the search of personal skills related to dropout rates that are operative in performance and other settings different from sport (such as school) is still understudied. This study examined the association between different types of quitting sports and strategic learning skills in the affective-motivational and cognitive-metacognitive dimensions. These skills, learned in the school context, are functional to academic careers, sports, and the wider fields of life. Sampling included 2,391 Italian and Spanish upper secondary students aged 14-18 years. They filled out two self-assessment questionnaires regarding workout and sporting routines and the affective-motivational and cognitive-metacognitive learning strategies. The search assumption was explored using the descriptive research method. The results revealed that strategic affective-motivational learning skills are linked with definitive and not-definitive sports dropout rates. These skills may have a crucial influence on making young people’s physical exercise maintenance last in time and reduce the risk of maladaptive behavior in different areas of life. An early learning of these skills, starting as soon as children enter school, would allow young people to invest in their own health immediately.
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