Stability of cyber dating victimization and psychological adjustment in adolescents: a short-term longitudinal study
Main Article Content
The effect of cyber dating victimization on adolescents’ adjustment is understudied. The present study aimed to analyze the impact of cyber dating victimization on antisocial behavior, anxious depressive symptoms, and stress management according to their frequency and stability over time. In the study, 453 Spanish students aged between 12 and 19 years (52.5% girls) with sentimental experience completed surveys in a two-time longitudinal study six-month apart. Cyber dating victimization predicted a worse stress management. Regarding stability, four cyber dating victimization groups were found: non-cyber victims, past cyber victims, recent cyber victims, and stable cyber victims. The results indicated that recent cyber victims worsen their levels of antisocial behavior and anxious depressive symptoms coinciding with the moment of cyber dating victimization. Stable cyber victims showed worse scores in all the study variables over time. This study highlights the impact that cyber dating victimization has on adolescents’ psychological adjustment. These results address the need to develop psychoeducational interventions aimed to prevent cyber dating victimization, favoring adolescents’ healthy development and the improvement of the school life.
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