Portal de revistas científicas de la Universidad de Córdoba


  • Alfinge. Revista de Filología

    Revista internacional de periodicidad anual que publica artículos originales e inéditos de investigación en los ámbitos de Lingüística, Lengua y Literatura.

  • Astarté. Estudios del Oriente Próximo y el Mediterráneo

    Astarté is an annual international magazine that will publish unpublished works related to historical, linguistic, archaeological, religious and artistic topics of the peoples of the Near East and the Mediterranean Basin during Antiquity, Late-Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The working languages of the journal are German, Spanish, French, English and Italian

    e-ISSN: 2659-3998

  • Anahgramas

    Anahgramas (ANÁlisis Históricos de GRAdo y MASter) es una publicación de carácter anual surgida en 2014 y tutelada por el Decanato de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Córdoba. Publica trabajos originales en el ámbito de la Historia, Arte y Arqueología, basados en el contenido de los TFGs y TFMs elaborados por el estudiantado, con revisión previa de evaluadores externos. Surgió tras la puesta en marcha, con el apoyo del grupo empresarial Cabezas Romero, del Certamen para jóvenes Historiadores “Antonio Jaén Morente”, [Leer más]

  • C3-BIOECONOMY: Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy

    C3-BIOECONOMY is an international innovation journal in Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy, on an annual basis, focused in the agri-food and forestry field and with a multisectorial approach. It accepts works from all sectors of the innovation system with particular emphasis on business and academic sectors. In general, it includes innovative papers, written in Spanish or English, that deal with topics on food innovation, agriculture and forestry, and bioproducts and bioprocesses related to the agri-food and forestry sector.

  • CODEX. Anuario de Ciencias Histórico-Jurídicas

    La revista Codex. Anuario de Ciencia Histórico-Jurídicas se encuentra indizada en Dialnet (https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=6058) en los campos de Ciencias Jurídicas: Derecho Romano, Historia y Filosofía del Derecho; y Humanidades: Historia. También se puede encontrar entre las revistas incluidas en el catálogo Latindex Vol. I (2017): https://www.latindex.org/latindex/ficha/4325. Además, puede encontrarse entre las revistas incluidas en MIAR: https://miar.ub.edu/issn/1695-7369.

  • Collectanea Christiana Orientalia

    CCO is an international Journal that appears once a year. It aims at publishing papers written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, as well as Arabic. The papers should be unpublished and related to Christian production in Arabic, Coptic, Syriac and Ethiopic, although topics dealing with the Christian tradition contained in other languages of Oriental Christianity like Armenian, Georgian and Greek can also be accepted. Likewise, the thematic spectrum of the Journal includes those Rabbinical subjects that concern Christianty. More specifically, the production of Christians in Arabic includes both that developed in Eastern and in Western countries (al-Andalus, northern Africa, Italy, as well as Greece, Cyprus and Turkey). The fields of study covered by this philologically oriented Journal will include the area of literature (in any textual tradition) as well as the area of linguistics. Papers related to other fields like History, Archaeology, History of Art, Liturgy and Sociology will also be accepted.

  • Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures

    Creneida.  Journal of Hispanic Literatures was conceived as a scientific journal in digital format about peninsular and overseas literature. Published by the Department of Philological and Literary Studies of the University of Córdoba, it accepts works related to all eras, as well as those that deal with the interactions of literature with the rest of the Fine Arts.

    Creneida publishes one issue a year.

    Far from other forums of actual Hispanism, it despises the wordcount. It is only defined by a rigorous line, not by the extension of papers.

    It was structured in three sections until 2016: 1) monography, 2) miscellanea and 3) book reviews. As of issue 4 (2017) the section "Lessons and teachers" was also included in order to pay tribute to renowned figures of Philology.

    All original works must go through a Double-Blind Peer Review, which will be handled by the members of the Editorial Board and Advisory board.


    ISSN: 2172-5004

    La Revista Docencia y Derecho  está destinada a la publicación de artículos de reflexión y de recursos docentes en el ámbito de los estudios universitarios de Derecho, en el seno del EEES.

    Equipo Editorial


  • Literary Spheres

    Esferas literarias (ISSN 2659-4218) is an international journal published once a year that includes articles on literary matters ranging across different literary traditions. It started in 2018 with the aim of promoting the work of young scholars, while also including the work of senior and well-known researchers.

  • Estudios Franco-Alemanes. Revista internacional de Traducción y Filología

    Estudios Franco-AlemanesRevista Internacional de Traducción y Filología (EstFA) es una publicación científica de periodicidad anual, que tiene como finalidad reunir contribuciones de los especialistas dedicados al estudio de la lengua, la literatura, la historia, la cultura, la traducción y la interpretación en los ámbitos francés-alemán-español en cualquiera de sus combinaciones lingüísticas o por separado. 

  • Hikma

    HIKMA: Translation Journal is an international, biannual, open-access journal. Its thematic focus revolves around translation and interpretation in all aspects, encompassing methodological innovations, contrastive studies, multicultural spaces, and the creation or revision of translation tools and resources.

    This journal spans various specialisations, including humanistic-literary, legal-economic, scientific-technical, and other specialised fields.

  • Insights on Bilingual Education

    Esta revista tiene como objetivo visibilizar propuestas de investigación de la mano de investigadores consolidados y jóvenes. Se publicará un número anual, y se facilitará la opción de publicación online first. La revista se centrará en Educación Bilingüe e Intercultural y las investigaciones versarán sobre las siguientes líneas de investigación:

    • Implementación de programas bilingües
    • El papel de la tecnología en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas y en educación bilingüe
    • Evaluación del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en educación bilingüe
    • Iniciación temprana a las segundas lenguas
    • El papel del juego y del juguete en la educación bilingüe
    • Educación intercultural
    • Aprendizaje cooperativo en educación bilingüe
    • Enfoques metodológicos en educación bilingüe
    • La formación del profesorado en educación bilingüe

    Todas las propuestas pasarían por un exhaustivo proceso de revisión por pares ciegos, con una plantilla facilitada por la revista acogiéndose a estándares nacionales e internacionales de calidad. La revista IBE tiene como objetivo completar el catálogo de UCO con una revista especializada en Educación Bilingüe, y, además, parte de la premisa ambiciosa de convertirse en una revista de referencia a través de la indexación en bases de datos de prestigio.

  • International Journal for 21st Century Education

    International Journal for 21st Century Education is an annual journal dedicated to the publication of scientific research on education at national and international level.

    Contributions should be mainly directed to the following lines of research:

    • Educational processes: Higher Education, teacher training, competence development, teaching methodology and innovation and evaluation.
    • Diversity: Interculturality, gender, development cooperation and coexistence.
  • Historia y Genealogía

    Historia y Genealogía | (https://www.uco.es/index.php/hyg)

  • Mathematics, education and society

    Matemáticas, Educación y Sociedad (MES) is peer-reviewed and open journal that is issued every four months. It is edited by the research group SEJ-589: Mathematics, Education and Society, which is part of the Andalusian Programme for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI).

    The purpose of the journal is to contribute to the progress of knowledge about mathematics in relation with education and society, at all levels and contexts, through the promotion and dissemination of quality research. MES is an electronic-only journal that publishes both empirical and theoretical studies, in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

    ISSN: 2603-9982

  • Littera Aperta. International Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies

    Littera Aperta. International Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published yearly. Littera Aperta seeks scholarly essays which reflect the great range of research undertaken by experts in all areas of the humanistic discipline. Consequently, it invites contributions across a broad spectrum of classical and contemporary methodologies, from traditional, philologically-oriented approaches to (post)modern, cultural strategies. Didactic reports, interviews and book reviews are also welcome.


  • Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge

    Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge is an international journal focusing on various areas of knowledge transfer from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern period, covering the Middle East and the Mediterranean basin, and paying special attention to philological, philosophical, scientific, cultural and religious fields of research.

    If there is one thing that characterizes the powerful process of knowledge exchange between the Near East and the Latin West it is the passion for knowledge and the discovery of its secrets that inspired scholars of the period. This led to long journeys and rich encounters, and the mutual exchange between cultures that have repercussions up to the present day.

    Mediterranea is a project focused on combining efforts, by linking highly qualified research institutions with expertise in the field of transfer of knowledge within the different areas of study that will be addressed in the journal.

    Mediterranea is a peer reviewed academic journal published annually (March).


  • Meridies. Estudios de Historia y Patrimonio de la Edad Media

    Meridies. Estudios de historia y patrimonio de la Edad Media, es una revista dedicada al estudio y difusión de temas de carácter histórico centrados en el periodo medieval. Es gestionada por el Área de Historia Medieval de la Universidad de Córdoba con una periodicidad anual, bajo el amparo editorial de UCOpress.

  • Psychology, Society & Education

    Psychology, Society & Education (PSE) is a tri-annual journal published by the University of Córdoba (Spain). PSE is a scientific and professional publication of a multidisciplinary nature in the area of social sciences. Particularly oriented to professionals in Educational and Developmental Psychology and Social Welfare. Its main objective is to provide scientific evidence that facilitates adequate, well-adapted solutions to the main psycho-social problems in the world today.

    PSE is a completely free journal, both for readers and authors (there are not any Article Processing Charges -APC-). The journal accepts manuscripts of both basic and applied research, as well as systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which are supported by solid and consolidated data, analysis and arguments. All of them must be original works, not yet published or submitted for simultaneous review in another journal. All manuscripts received undergo a thorough peer review process.

    The journal was founded in 2009 at the University of Almeria in its online version. Since volume 14, number 1 of 2022 the journal is edited from the University of Cordoba by UCOPress. All previously edited and published works can be consulted by clicking here.

    PSE is indexed as Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)in Web of Science. As well as, in SCOPUS, Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) among other citation index. Moreover, PSE is a journal included in the mainly national and international data base and online library such as SciELO, ERIHPlus, SHERPA ROMEO, MIAR, or CIRC.

  • Musicalia

    Musicalia es una revista de periodicidad anual. Los trabajos deben ser originales e inéditos, cuyo objetivo es difundir conocimientos relacionados con la música (históricos, intérpretes, estilos, etc…) fruto de la investigación. La revista está abierta a investigadores de la comunidad científica internacional que se ocupen de temas relacionados con la Música en general (Clásica, Folklore, Flamenco, Jazz, Composición, etc…). Va dirigida a la comunidad educativa de los Conservatorios Superiores y Profesionales de Música, universitaria, investigadores, expertos, así como a todas aquellas personas interesadas en la temática propia de la revista.

  • Pet Behaviour Science

    Welcome to the very first open access journal dedicated to pet behaviour and human-pet bond research. This is an international, multidisciplinary, peer reviewed and fully online journal. And this is free of charge, for both authors and readers.
  • Revista de innovación y buenas prácticas docentes

    Esta revista publica artículos sobre innovación docente con el objetivo de promover el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias docentes entre universidades y centros de educación superior.

    La UNESCO manifiesta que la innovación educativa es un acto deliberado y planificado de solución de problemas, que apunta a lograr mayor calidad en los aprendizajes de los estudiantes, superando el paradigma tradicional. Implica trascender el conocimiento academicista y pasar del aprendizaje pasivo del estudiante a una concepción donde el aprendizaje es interacción y se construye entre todos.

    La revista pretende, pues, visibilizar experiencias innovadoras en docencia universitaria y no universitaria, desarrolladas tanto en un contexto nacional como internacional.

  • Revista Internacional de Derecho y Economía del turismo

    RIDETUR es una revista internacional de periodicidad semestral. Es gestionada por el Aula de Universidad, Turismo y Empresa de la Universidad de Córdoba. UCOTUREM. Incluye trabajos redactados en español, inglés. Los trabajos deberán ser inéditos, y deberán tratar las ciencias  sociales y jurídicas presentes en la investigación del turismo (Derecho Mercantil, Derecho Administrativo, Derecho Civil, Derecho Financiero y Tributario, Derecho Eclesiástico, Historia del Derecho,…).  Así mismo, en la sección economía y empresa  todas las investigaciones relacionadas con el turismo, la empresa y la economía. Así mismo, se incluirán temas de turismo patrimonial,  gastronómico, naturaleza, marketing así como  nuevas tipologías turísticas siempre de la perspectiva jurídica, económica o de ambas.La revista tiene así un perfil  interdisciplinar. 

    ISSN: 2530-7142

  • Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval

    Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval (REFIME) is a yearly scholarly publication indexed, peer-reviewed, and distributed by UCO Press. Regularly published since 1993, it is the official journal of Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval (SOFIME). Its official venue is the University of Córdoba (Spain).

    The main scope of Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is the broad field of studies on medieval thought. Its specific aim is to provide scholarship with outstanding scientific contributions, specifically on scientific and philosophical reflections developed through the Middle Ages, their sources, and their influence through the Renaissance and Early Modern periods. Any original contribution to study on the four main medieval traditions – Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, and Greek – is welcome, especially if focused on the transmission of knowledge among these different frameworks. While the main interest of the Journal is the philosophical analysis of doctrinal positions held by medieval and Early Modern thinkers, papers examining the historical context of those positions are welcome as well, recognising the implicit link between historical and philosophical study of medieval thought. The Journal is also interested in original papers on the broad history of scientific reflection, from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern period, especially when linked to their medieval development or sources.

    Dedicated sections of the Journal publish critical reviews of newly published books and scientific notes of short length. In exceptional cases, the Journal accepts modern translations of medieval and Early Modern texts of short length accompanied by an introduction. Translations should be prepared bearing in mind their twofold aim of divulgation and scholarly contribution: the Editorial Board will only accept submission of papers meeting both of these requirements.

    Articles submitted must be original contributions. Please note that the Journal will accept a limited number of contributions by the same author. The editors will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to consider further contributions by the same author in a short period. Similar consideration may apply to book reviews.

    Authors should be aware that Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval will hold the copyright of the published articles. Consequently, articles published in the Journal must not be published again, either entirely or partially, in any other publications without explicit authorization by the Journal Editorial Board.


    Journal Indexes

    Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is rated by Scopus, Sistema de Valoración Integrada de Revistas Españolas (RESH), Difusión y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas Españolas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (DICE) and LATINDEX. The Journal is indexed in Philosopher’s Index (PHI), ISOC – Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Répertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie (RBPH), Regesta Imperii, Dialnet and EBSCO. Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is published with the financial support of Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval (SOFIME), and is printed and distributed in open access by UCO Press.


    Ethical and Legal Conditions

    The Journal expects authors to observe the highest standards in publication ethics concerning plagiarism, misappropriation of others’ work, etc. As the Journal’s policy is to publish new, original work, and to respect the copyright of other publishers, authors are asked not to submit articles which have already been published elsewhere. Cases with exceptional circumstances will, however, be considered. By the same token, as the Journal holds the copyright of articles published with it, authors are reminded not to republish articles in other publications without explicit authorization by the Journal Editorial Board.

    Submitted papers will undergo a process of blind peer review, evaluating the author’s contribution to the field and the authenticity of the proposed data. Authors are expected to contribute meaningfully with their paper to scholarly debate on the selected topic. Authors are also asked to provide any corrections/changes to the submitted paper as soon as possible after the review. The Editorial Board will ensure an objective peer review process, avoiding possible conflicts of interest. The Journal will treat articles in the review process with strict confidentiality.

    The Journal editors assume complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article. The editors will confirm that they have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they accept/reject; and they will only accept a paper when they are reasonably certain of its authenticity. If errors are found, the editors will ensure publication of a correction or retraction, preserving the anonymity of reviewers.

    Publishing ethics will be monitored and safeguarded by the Journal’s Editorial Board on the basis of guidelines for retracting articles, and maintenance of the integrity of the Journal’s academic standing. The Journal will always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed, on the basis that neither plagiarised nor fraudulent data will be published.

  • SERIARTE. Revista científica de series televisivas y arte audiovisual

    SERIARTE. Revista científica de series televisivas y arte audiovisual is a biannual international journal, which provides a setting for the presentation of scientific works focused on the study of television series and the art of new audiovisual media. The journal supports critical study and discussion, while encouraging the development of unexplored topics and the use of new approaches through the application of ideas, concepts, and research traditions from related disciplines.


    RITUREM is an international journal of open and free access to its contents and of a mixed, academic-scientific, and technical-professional nature. This journal is published every six months and includes works written in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian that must be unpublished and treat contents typical of various Areas of Knowledge (Economic and Business Sciences, Social Sciences, Geography, Legal Sciences, Humanities, Sociology, Psychology, Translation and Interpretation, etc.) that focus on the phenomenon of tourism and its various manifestations. The journal therefore has an eminently multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary profile in the tourism sciences.

    International Journal of Tourism, Business and Territory. ISSN: 2660-9320

    Before,  International Journal of Tourism and Business. ISSN: 2530-7134


    HANDLE: https://helvia.uco.es/xmlui/handle/10396/16395 

    UCOPRESS EDITORIAL: https://www.uco.es/ucopress/index.php/es/


    This publication is since 2021 under a Creative Commons license from Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International : Derivative works are allowed attributing authorship and as long as no commercial use is made. It was previously released under a Creative Commons license CCBY in 2019 and CCBY-NC-ND in 2020.

  • Skopos. Revista Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación

    Skopos. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting is an annual scientific journal that publishes original and unpublished research articles related to translation and interpreting, as well as other related areas. Other sections of the journal include book reviews and research papers, as well as first contributions from young researchers. The working languages of the journal are English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and French. The papers received are subject to a double peer review process.

  • Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting

    Transletters is an international scientific journal that focuses on a wide range of topics in the field of Translation and Interpreting, such as methodologies, areas of specialisation, cultural facets and conceptual frameworks.

  • UCOARTE. Revista de Teoría e Historia del Arte

    UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del Arte is an annual scientific journal that publishes original and unpublished articles on Art History, art theory and heritage. It is addressed preferably to the scientific and university community, both national and international, as well as to all professionals in the field of Art. The working languages of the journal are English, French, Italian and Spanish.


    Encontramos a continuación el fondo histórico de las revistas electrónicas publicadas por la Editorial de la Universidad de Córdoba, y que ya no realizan publicaciones.

  • EDNA, Estudios de dialectología norteafricana y andalusí

    EDNA es una revista científica fundada en 1996 y especializada en los estudios de dialectología árabe, concretamente la zona occidental (Alandalús y el Magreb). Con una periodicidad anual, cada número está compuesto por artículos inéditos de investigación, tras pasar una evaluación externa por pares, y por reseñas.

    La edición de los dos primeros números la llevó a cabo el Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad de Zaragoza, del tercero al quinto la Institución “Fernando el Católico”, y los volúmenes 6 y 7 fueron una coedición de la anterior institución y del Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo (IEIOP) de Zaragoza. Los números entre el 8 (2004) y el 13 (2009) se publicaron exclusivamente en el IEIOP hasta su cierre a finales de 2010.

    Dos de estos volúmenes son números especiales:

    - Número 8 (2004) Homenaje a Peter Behnstedt en su 60 aniversario/ Festschrift für Peter Behnstedt zum 60. Geburtstag

    - Número 13 (2009) Special issue: Women's World-Women's Word: Female life as reflected in the Arabic dialects

  • Anales de Arquelogía Cordobesa

    Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa (AAC) es una revista de periodicidad anual, publicada por el Grupo de Investigación Sísifo (PAIDI HUM-236) del Área de Arqueología de la Universidad de Córdoba, en colaboración con el servicio de publicaciones de Diputación Provincial de Córdoba. Surgida en 1990 como herramienta de apoyo y difusión para los resultados del proyecto de investigación que entonces desarrollábamos en la Subbética Cordobesa, con el tiempo AAC ha ido evolucionando, al tiempo que ganaba crédito entre la comunidad científica, [Leer más]

  • REUDAR. European Journal of Roman Architecture

    REUDAR aims to be a proactive scientific agent to enrich the European common culture which binds more than 300 millions of citizens. REUDARintends to achieve this enrichment of the European citizenship through its historical architecture, concretely, the Roman architecture, which influence in the different European Classicism styles and is so prevalent in the European urban landscapes. REUDAR was created with a vocation of union and consensus through the scientific debate, leaded by researchers from different European countries, with contributions in all the European languages. REUDAR seeks to be, in essence, a 3rd Millennium intellectual forum to share a common topic, which is, sometimes, scattered in a multiplicity of existing Classical Archaeology journals, with no intention of replacement. REUDAR intends to be a reference, a call for scientific creativity through science, brightness, innovation and change inherent to our common secular identity with the Roman architecture as a driving force.